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Архив за месяц: Сентябрь 2013

«The problems of building a civil society in modern Russia and its dialogue with the West «

By Velichko A.M.,

Doctor of Law

Перевод Е. Скоковой


There are some absolute criteria without which no modern political society can be recognized as civilized and cultural. These criteria are the following: the role of law, citizen participation in the activities of the state (active and passive suffrage), the openness of government, the existence of institutions of «civil society» etc. Despite of the fact that these principles are axiomatic, they were widely recognized. It is obvious that their role is to provide freedom of the individual in a wide meaning of the word. It is assumed that only in this case the person is able to demonstrate his skills and his talents implement and satisfy his needs. And this is a main task of the political society. Читать далее