King and the Old Testament Church
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Velichko A.M.,
Doctor of Laws
King and the Old Testament Church
«Whoever would say, undoubtfully, that due to natural conditions of human life kings are the highest representatives of the nation, its color, they embody spiritual strength of people»
Y.A. Bogorodskiy «Jewish kings»
What should be the nature of the relationship of Church and State, whether they should be co-workers in the development of human or antagonists? How many spears were broken around this and other similar questions in theoretical debates! However, despite the variety of options, we are not afraid to say that, as a rule, all distinguishing theoretical versions are caused by only one circumstance —personal understanding of the author, what the state and the Church are. Today, the state is often understood as an equal to the machinery of government, the same as the Church with hierarchy of it. In fact, the Church is not only bishops, and all the believers in Christ. And the state is a society united by a single authority, and living under one law, not only the bureaucracy. And it is impossible to separate the Church from the State, if its members are simultaneously citizens of this political union. Earlier when society lived according to the laws of Christ, it was taken for granted. Not coincidentally, St. Gregory Palamas, who lived in the XIVth century, portrayed the civil war in Byzantium not as a political event, but as a catastrophe of the Church.
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