Byzantine Empresses
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By Velichko A.M.,
Doctor of Laws
Byzantine Empresses
«Have you seen a male soul in a female body? Have you seen a female chastity, the memory of which remains with the victory forever? This woman is glorified before men, exalted by angels, crowned by God — wives, imitate her, and you will be honored by God »
John Chrysostom.
Certainly, the central figure of the Byzantine state was the emperor – it was much written about (even by this writer) and it makes no sense here to mention this topic. It is sufficient to say that, being a person whose status is sacred, a Roman (Byzantine) king had unprecedented powers in the political sphere and in the sphere of church government. Being «the Vicar of Christ on earth» ( official royal title), «whose duty, indicated God, is to take care of all people,» according to St. Justinian the Great (527-565), «for his there is nothing impossible because the emperor ought to care and express concern to save his people.» Basileus directly regulated the issues of church governing, and even dogma, including questions of dogma. He did not claim to perform the sacraments and mainly the most important of them — the Eucharist, but he actively participated in them as a clergyman, serving in his holy altar, coming into it during the Liturgy through the Holy Doors, performing duties of a religious man and receiving the sacred gifts as a priest as well. византийские императрицы_ENG
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